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Action Figures

& Collectables Age 17+

Collectors Group


0730 061 110


  • Produsele cu eticheta PRE-COMANDA 2 (albastra) sunt produse pentru care a fost depasita perioada de precomanda si nu mai putem garanta stocul. Va rugam sa adaugati produsul in Wishlist.
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Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm

Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm
  • Kingdom PVC Statue 1/7 Ohki 31 cm

1220 Lei

(TVA inclus)

Curier (15-20 LEI)



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Va rugam apasati butonul SUNT INTERESAT!
Sunt interesat
Data aparitiei: 25.10.2024
Dimensiuni: 31 cm
Varsta: 15+
Tip produs: Statuete
Producator: BellFine


"Hmph, it's already decided. I'm the great general of the world."From the TV anime "Kingdom" comes a scale figure of 'OHKI', one of the six great generals of the Qin Dynasty and also known as the "Monster Bird of the Qin"!Holding a spear in his right hand, 'OHKI' standing in a standing position is over 30cm tall and has an impressive volume!We are very particular about the modeling, such as the armor with countless scratches, the spear with fine details, and the raised blood vessels. The charm of the 'OHKI' is expressed to the fullest with its distinctive face and heavy painting. The pedestal is based on the image of the stone pavement when 'OHKI' jumped off the castle wall. Please enjoy the 'OHKI' that boasts an overwhelming presence in your possession.

Acest produs este nou, sigilat si livrat in ambalajul original al producatorului.

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Perioada de precomanda a fost depasita, nu mai putem garanta stocul. Adaugati produsul in Wishlist.

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